
The Two Most Unique Mountains in the World, One of them in Indonesia

Dallol (Volcano), Ethiopia (Credits Photo: Sabrina Swenson)

INDEPHEDIA.com - In this world there are various natural beauty of the mountains. Some of them are unique and amazing so tourists visit. Two of the most unique mountain tourism in the world, namely Mount Ijen, East Java, Indonesia, and Dallol (Volcano), Ethiopia.

Mount Ijen is indeed very charming with all the unique craters and blue fires. The location is on the border between Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency, East Java.

At Mount Ijen, you can see the phenomenon of blue fires every day around 02.00 until 04.00 WIB in the morning. In addition, the Ijen crater lake is known as the largest acidic lake in the world, with a crater area reaching 5,466 hectares. If you can't go abroad, at least you should try to enjoy the sensation of blue fire on Mount Ijen.

But, if you're still curious, in Ethiopia there is a unique mountain named Dallol (Volcano) that is famous for bright colors that appear around the mountains that come from sulfur, iron, salt and other mineral substances that lie as wide as the eye can see.

Dallol's glance looks like a lake with beautiful green water. In addition, the scenery around it is truly amazing, with coral like yellow and bright orange stones. Bright green and light yellow in acid pools are caused by high sulfur, iron and mineral content.

Dallol is the most remote place on Earth in northern Ethiopia. This place can be said to be one of the hottest places in the world with temperatures up to 94 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, Dallol is not a popular tourist destination. However, even so the uniqueness of this mountain actually attracts tourists to see directly the phenomenon around the mountain. (WS.IN/ENG/**)
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