
These Are The 10 Best Countries to Visit in 2019


Indonesia, the only country in Southeast Asia that has reached number 7 from the top 10 countries of the Lonely Planet version and describes Indonesia as a country rich in diversity.

INDEPHEDIA.com - BBC Worldwide travel guide, Lonely Planet, has published the book Best in Travel 2019, with a list of destinations that include, among others, "Top Countries" which are designated as the best vacation spots.

Maybe some don't know that Indonesia, the only country in Southeast Asia that reached number 7 out of the top 10 countries of the Lonely Planet version and describes Indonesia as a country rich in diversity that stretches across the archipelago, noting new eco-resorts that provide a combination orangutan tourism in Sumatra and tribal traditions in Papua.

In the Lonely Planet list, the country of Sri Lanka tops, with a travel guide that notes it as a country that offers many things to be found, because previously hard-to-reach locations have become more accessible.

Then, the countries of Germany and Zimbabwe complete the top three list, followed sequentially by Panama, Kyrgyzstan and Jordan. Meanwhile, completing the top-10 list after Indonesia is Belarus, São Tomé & Príncipe and Belize. (SSB.IN/ENG/*)

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