
Japan Hosts Rugby World Cup and Popular Tourist Destinations


Japan is an archipelagic country in East Asia on the western tip of the Pacific Ocean, east of the Sea of ​​Japan, and neighboring the People's Republic of China, Korea and Russia, indeed offers many tourist destinations.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Japan is a destination that is predicted to increase throughout 2019, especially for sports fans. Because, Japan hosted the Rugby World Cup in 2019.

This event is one of the biggest sporting events in the world that lasts for only seven days, between September and November 2019. In fact, the popularity of Japan will continue to be visited until 2020.

Because, in 2020 the Japanese state also hosted an Olympics. So, in 2019 this will be the best year to travel to Japan.

Japan is an archipelagic country in East Asia which is located on the western tip of the Pacific Ocean, east of the Sea of ​​Japan, and neighboring the People's Republic of China, Korea and Russia, indeed offers many tourist destinations.

Developed countries that have 4 seasons, besides still maintaining and maintaining their ancestral culture, also have a variety of natural tourist attractions, history, cultural arts and technological advances. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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