
Travel to Meghalaya, a City That is Always Wet in India


The city of Meghalaya is also famous for its very high rainfall, so we can be sure that the city is always wet.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The city of Meghalaya, located in Northeast India, has natural beauty, historical buildings and a very unique and beautiful cultural diversity. The city of Meghalaya is also famous for its very high rainfall, so we can be sure that the city is always wet.

Get rid of your stereotypes about the level of cleanliness in India that tends to be bad, because in the City of Meghalaya, you will find the cleanest village in the world, namely Mawlynnong Village. The naturalness of the village is more beautiful with waterfalls surrounded by green plants and beautiful flowers.

In Meghalaya, you can also visit one of the best Asian tourist attractions, namely the Umngot River in Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya. This river has so clear, crystal clear water. In fact, if there are boats crossing this river, you will see as if the boat floats in the air.

From the Umngot River, people can clearly see the activity of the fish because the water is so clear. A boating experience on the Umngot River will be an unforgettable lifetime experience for you. Due to lack of news, not many know about the existence of the most beautiful river in Meghalaya. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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