
Bukit Lawang Nature Tourism Object North Sumatra


This tourist attraction is popular because it is a very interesting Nature Conservation and Orangutan captivity to visit.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Bukit Lawang natural tourism object, in Baharok Subdistrict, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, which borders the Gunung Leuser National Park which has a vast land stretching to the Aceh Province, has a beautiful natural panorama and eschotic.

This tourist attraction is popular because it is a very interesting Nature Conservation and Orangutan captivity to visit. In the area of ​​this tourist spot you will see the beauty of the Baharok River which flows quietly through Bukit Lawang.

Not only that, here you can also enjoy rafting and see caves that are very unique. Goa which is around Bukit Lawang is formed through natural processes.

For those of you who want to visit the orangutan breeding center, you will take a distance of about 20 minutes by walking along the Baharok River. Then, you will cross the river using a small boat to get to the location.

It used to be a rehabilitation center for orangutans that was visited by many researchers. However, now as time goes by these tourist attractions are not only a place for orangutan conservation, but also become a proud tourist destination of the people of North Sumatra (North Sumatra). (WS.IN/ENG/***)
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