
Traveling Visiting Cool and Famous Destinations in Germany


Tourist attractions in Germany include the Berlin Wall, Oktoberfest, Brandenburg Gate, Lindau, Heidelberg Old City, Cologne Cathedral, Holstentor, Frauenkirche, Neuschwanstein, Rugen Cliffs, Romantic Road, Freiburg Tower, Maulbronn Monastery, Eltz Castle, Romantic Rhine and many others.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Not only famous for its football team, Germany is a country that has many tourist attractions that surely fascinate tourists. If you plan to spend vacation time in Germany, there are several tourist attractions in this country that you must visit.

Tourist attractions in Germany include the Berlin Wall, Oktoberfest, Brandenburg Gate, Lindau, Heidelberg Old City, Cologne Cathedral, Holstentor, Frauenkirche, Neuschwanstein, Rugen Cliffs, Romantic Road, Freiburg Tower, Maulbronn Monastery, Eltz Castle, Romantic Rhine and many others.

The Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate or the Berlin Gate should not be missed. Because of the walls and gates of Berlin this is the main symbol of the unification of East Berlin and West Berlin. The construction of the gate itself was from the 18th century and served as the entrance to the City of Brandengburg an der Havel.

In Lubeck City, Germany, there is also Holstentor, one of the two gates in this very old city. The construction was only carried out in 1464 and has now turned into a museum. In addition to visiting old cities, historic churches and castles, in Germany there are also cool natural attractions, namely Jasmund National Park, which is northeast of Rugen Island.

After there is a Romantic Road, don't forget to also visit Romantic Rhine in the Rhine City. The most popular tourist attraction in Germany is a river that flows through a closed vineyard, where at the top there are many castles and ruins of the city's historical heritage. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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