
Top 10 Destinations in the World Popular Tourism Cities for Millennials This Year


INDEPHEDIA.com - Since the advent of social media, millennial children, aka the present age, who were born in the range between the 1980s and 2000s, have been traveling. They often show off their activities through social media.

The leading flight messaging application Hopper noted, there are at least 10 popular tourist destinations in the world that are favored millennial. This popularity is seen from the transactions and objectives that are most seen in the application by millennials.

As INDEPHEDIA reports from Lonely Planet and other pages, to ten world popular tourist destinations for millennials in 2019, each is Anchorage Alaska, Palm Springs California, Tokyo Japan, Saint Lucia Caribbean, Dublin Ireland, Kahului Hawaii, Denpasar Bali, Aspen Colorado, Sint Maarten on Saint Martin Island and Bora Bora in French Polynesia.

Enchantment of Anchorage in the state of Alaska, United States for example, here there are beautiful wilderness forests, city parks, museums to various restaurants that provide different menus than others.

Denpasar in Bali turned out to be the third most popular choice for millennials. Bali has focused as a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Beaches, temples, parks and forests as well as cultural arts are the mainstays of the island's tourism nicknamed the Island of the Gods.

Then finally, Bora Bora in the Islands of French Polynesia surrounded by lagoons and rocks in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. In addition to spending time enjoying the views of Mount Otemanu and Mount Pahia, snorkeling, hiking and parasailing activities are millennial do when visiting here. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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