
Wayang, Original Indonesian Performing Arts UNESCO Recognized


UNESCO has also acknowledged wayang as one of the arts of Indonesian culture in the "Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" list.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The original performing arts from Indonesia which have developed on Java and Bali have been known since hundreds of years ago. 

The Balitung inscription that dates back to the 4th century proves the existence of puppets at that time, with the record "galigi mawayang".

In its development, there are several types of puppets, such as wayang kulit, wayang golek, and wayang orang, with stories that are also growing.

On November 7, 2003, UNESCO also recognized wayang as one of the arts of Indonesian culture in the "Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" list.

Until now, we can still see puppet shows. In fact, some programs on national and private television stations also often show puppet shows, which are interspersed with humor, so that it is more interesting and does not seem old-fashioned. (NW.IN/ENG/*)

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