
Historical Attractions in Toboali Fort in South Bangka


The Dutch colonial era fortress built in 1825 is located in the Tanjung Ketapang Village, Toboali District, South Bangka Regency.

INDEPHEDIA.com - One of the famous historical tourist objects in Toboali, South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel), Indonesia, named Fort Toboali.

The Dutch colonial era fort built in 1825 is located in Tanjung Ketapang Village, Toboali District. It is located on a plateau or hill at the end of Toboali City, which directly faces the beach with a height of about 20 meters above sea level.

The fort was built to protect and safeguard Dutch interests in tin mining. Based on known historical facts, tin in Bangka was first discovered in 1709 at the excavation in the Olin River Toboali District by people from Johor.

The position of the fort building is very strategic. To the south of the fort is the Java Sea and to the west there is the Short Bomb port. In the past, this port looked more towards the east (there were former boat dock buildings).

At present, the condition of the fortress itself is no longer intact. In fact, there are some buildings that are overgrown with trees and twisted by tree roots. This is also the main attraction of the old Toboali fortress and is a favorite spot for visitors. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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