
Enjoying the Beauty of Aurora in Norway


If you have the opportunity to visit Norway and plan to see the aurora, try going to the northern region of Norway. Some of the areas that you can visit are Tromso, Oksfjord and Honningsvag.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Aurora, a natural phenomenon that attracts many tourists to admire its beauty. These natural events are formed due to collisions between solar storms and the Earth's atmosphere to form green, red, purple, and blue light in the sky at night.

Aurora usually occurs in winter. You will not get aurora moment if the sky is cloudy. Aurora can only be seen when the sky is clear. In addition, the most beautiful aurora is seen from a point far from the city. Because, if you see it in the city, chances are the view will be blocked by light pollution.

If you have the opportunity to visit Norway and plan to see the aurora, try going to the northern region of Norway. Some of the areas that you can visit are Tromso, Oksfjord and Honningsvag. In Norway many tour agencies provide travel packages to see the aurora in Tromso.

In addition to watching the sky brightness, you can see very beautiful aurora in mid-September or early April. In these two months the Norwegian sky was in its darkest state. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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