
Aogashima Volcano, Beautiful Active Volcano Island in Japan


Aogashima Island has a unique shape. Parts of the valley are active volcanic craters. However, this did not dampen the intention of the residents to live in the beautiful Aogashima crater.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Aogashima Volcano is a volcano located on Aogashima Island, one part of the Izu Islands, about 300 kilometers south of Tokyo, in the Philippine Sea. Aogashima and its residents are part of Japanese citizens and managed by Tokyo.

Aogashima Island has a unique shape. Parts of the valley are active volcanic craters. However, this did not dampen the intention of the residents to live in the beautiful Aogashima crater. At Aogashima, locals live far away from the modern world and concern themselves with outdoor activities.

Around Aogashima Island there are clean and clear blue waters. Here, tourists can also do mountain climbing activities. Hot steam around the center of the island is used by residents and tourists as a sauna.

Unfortunately, access to and out of the island is very limited. Aogashima Crater can only be obtained in two ways, helicopters or ferries. But, when he arrived there, tourists could enjoy the beauty of Aogashima's crater while walking around. Just don't forget to keep an eye on the weather before touring the island. (WS.IN/ENG*)

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