
Unique World Tourism Objects Forbid Selfie Travelers


Tourist objects that are not permitted to take photos or videos, including Johannesburg South Africa, Holocaust Memorial Berlin, Mecca Saudi Arabia, Westminster Abbey England, Garoupe Antibes France, The Palace Museum Beijing and Taj Mahal India.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Many tourists go on tours looking for tourist objects that are indeed unique and interesting to visit. In addition, if you are there if you don't take the time to take pictures, it feels like something is missing.

Apparently, among the many unique tourist attractions of the world, there are some places that turn out to forbid us to selfie or capture a photo or video in it or at certain points.

For those of you who have a hobby of photography, this rule must definitely make you disappointed. You want to be narcissistic, but you are not allowed to take pictures of buildings or other objects that are there.

Tourist objects that are not permitted to take photos or videos, including Johannesburg South Africa, Holocaust Memorial Berlin, Mecca Saudi Arabia, Westminster Abbey England, Garoupe Antibes France, The Palace Museum Beijing and Taj Mahal India.

In Johannesburg, South Africa for example, when traveling in Lion Park, you can take a walk with a lion who will be accompanied by a handler who will guarantee your safety. In this place, you can capture the moment through photos. But, you will be very prohibited if you take selfies with these wild animals. This reason is none other than your safety too.

Then, at the Berlin Holocaust Memorial, even though there is no written warning in the area of ​​this monument not to take pictures, the period of your selfie between the concrete depicted as a substitute for the tombs of the victims of the Nazi massacre? Certainly not very polite.

Furthermore, Mecca of Saudi Arabia, the Hajj and Umrah places of worship of Muslims from all over the world also prohibited the existence of selfies. This was conveyed by local clerics who felt that the act was included in an act of mercy, especially for young people who came to worship, but took selfies to be exhibited on their social media.

Almost the same as the Mamorial Holocaust, in Westminster Abbey England, a place that witnessed Prince William and Kate Middleton binding on this sacred promise turned out to be the tombs of famous scientists Isaac Newton and Charles Dicknes. This is certainly a warning to respect and be polite by not capturing the moment in the form of photos or videos in Westminster Abbey.

While in Garoupe, Antibes, France, the local government set this beach as the 'No Braggies Zone', or an area that is forbidden to take selfies and post them to social media accounts.

No exception at The Palace Museum in Beijing, known as Forbidden City, which also enforces regulations not to do selfies for visitors. The thing that is feared from this selfie activity is the possibility that it can happen, such as nudging things that are there or something like that. If you still violate this rule, get ready to be reprimanded by the officers at the Forbidden City.

The last place is a ban on taking photos, namely at the Indian Taj Mahal. This magnificent and beautiful building has regulations prohibited from taking photos while inside a building. But, if the page is still allowed. This form of prohibition was carried out to honor the story of the construction of the Taj Mahal. So, if inside the building you can only look at and enjoy this beauty without being able to capture it with a camera. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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