
Beautiful Crystal Cave in Iceland Skaftafell


This glacier ice cave in Iceland is the result of a glacial or moulin process, where rainwater melts the ice on the surface of the glacier which is channeled into the river, then enters the crevices of the glacier.

INDEPHEDIA.com - This Crystal Cave attracts a lot of tourists' attention. This beautiful and unique cave is in the frozen lagoon of the Svinafellsjokull glacier, in Skaftafell, Iceland. Skaftafell or the Crystal Cave is 7 meters long and about 1.2 meters high.

The glacier ice caves in Iceland are the result of a glacial or moulin process, where rainwater melts ice on the surface of the glacier which is channeled into the river, then enters the glaciers.

Along with the air or wind blowing, over time the mineral deposits then harden, while the water freezes and some of it continues to flow down the cave.

To travel to the Crystal Cave not everyone can enter and browse into the cave. Need special experience, skills and equipment to reach this cave. Because, to go to the location of the field of travel that must be passed in the form of ice which the surface is slippery.

Well, for tourists who dare to explore this cave will be treated to the blue color of the sea which is the characteristic of the cave. (NW.IN/ENG/*)

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