
Kawachi Park Fuji Garden, Wisteria Flower Tunnel in Japan


In this park there are 2 100-meter long tunnels covered with wisteria which dangle down in white, pink and purple.

INDEPHEDIA.com - In Kitakyushu City, Japan, there is a very beautiful flower tunnel. There are more than 20 types of wisteria flowers that are deliberately grown to decorate the roof to the surrounding walls of the garden tunnel.

Kawachi Wisteria Park Fuji Garden, a park located in southern Japan with an area of ​​3000 square meters. Although the flower is not a national flower in Japan, this flower has grown in the plains of Japan since hundreds of years ago.

Wisteria flowers are one type of plant whose flowers grow creeping and the branches grow dangling / hanging down. The beauty of this wisteria flower can be enjoyed in the southern region of Japan (Kitakyushu), Fukuoka Prefecture.

In this park there are 2 100-meter long tunnels covered with wisteria which dangle down in white, pink and purple. The best time to visit this park is from April to mid-May every year.

Visiting Kawachi Fuji Garden Park, tourists usually walk through the halls filled with wisteria flowers, and certainly very suitable to be used as a photo spot or just enjoy the beauty of the flower.

In addition to being able to enjoy wisteria flowers in the tunnel, you can also enjoy the beauty of the flower by going up to the hillside in the park where the flowers are seen covering the valley.

To visit this park, you can take the train from JR Line to JR Yahata Station. After that, you take the Nishitetsu bus number 56 and get off at the Kawachi Shogakko-Mae (SD Kawachi) stop, then walk about 15 minutes to the park. (NW.IN/ENG/*)

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