
Unique Attractions: Pink Beaches and Lakes


Although both are identical with pink, these two attractions have differences. The Pink Beach in Lombok has sand beaches, while the lake in Australia has pink water.

INDEPHEDIA.com - In this world there are many tourist objects that have their own uniqueness, so many curious tourists want to see them in person. Of the many unique tourist places, two of them are in the form of beaches and lakes that are pink (pink).

The two attractions are known for their pink colors, namely Pink Beach in Lombok, Indonesia, and a number of lakes in the Australian region. Although both are identical with pink, these two attractions have differences. The Pink Beach in Lombok has sand beaches, while the lakes in Australia have pink waters.

Pink Lombok Beach

Pink Beach is a beach with white sand that is reddish because of the combination of white and red so that the sand on this beach is similar to pink. Therefore, the beach is called Pink Beach.

Pink Beach is located in Sekaroh Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, within 85.7 kilometers of the provincial capital or about 2 hours by car.

Some reasons many tourists prefer to go to Pink Beach rather than other tourist attractions in Lombok because of the uniqueness of the pink sand that is not easily found on other beach tourism in Indonesia and even the world.

Then, the sea on the Pink coast is still clear so that when riding the canoe you can see the underwater beauty from above the surface. The sand of the beach is pink, the clear blue sea, coupled with the natural scenery around the beach that is still beautiful, adds to its own beauty for Pink Beach.

When you will and be on Lombok Island, you may be confused with transportation facilities and tour guides, take it easy, there are tour & travel services that can be booked remotely, can be picked up at terminals, ports, airports, or other places on Lombok Island. In fact, through searching on Google there are also many tour packages that offer tourism services to Lombok.

Pink lakes in Australia

Not only the beach, in the region of Western Australia where there are a number of stunning pink or pink lakes, one of which is Lake Hillier, a pink lake on Middle Island, the largest island in the Recherche Archipelago off the coast of Esperance.

From the air, this lake looks bright pink. The lake is about 600 meters long, and is surrounded by sandbanks and thick forests full of paperbark and eucalyptus trees. The narrow area of ​​the dune covered with plants separates it from the blue Southern Ocean.

Scientists suspect the color comes from dyes produced by bacteria that live in layers of salt crust. The color of the water changes when the salt level becomes higher than usual. In addition, high temperatures, sunlight, and lack of rainfall contribute to changes in the color of lake water.

In this condition, algae that grow in the crust of lake salt produce red pigments, called beta carotene, as part of their photosynthesis process. As a result, a spectacular pink lake.

There are lots of things to see and do around Esperance, including horse riding, walking, cycling, fishing, scuba diving, whale watching - between May and October ---, windsurfing, down the cliffs, kayaking, and joining a 4WD tour .

Meanwhile, the Pink Lake near Esperance is another pink lake stretching against the backdrop of some of Australia's most stunning coastal scenery, seven kilometers from the city of Esperance.

With the right weather conditions, the lake turns pale pink because of the thick algae in the water. For the best and most enchanting scenery, walk to the reconnaissance of the Pink Lake. This lake has been declared by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) for supporting a large number of native birds and migrations.

Other pink lakes are located in Melbourne, Australia, which is now the main destination for young people who want to exist on Instagram. They don't want to be left behind to upload the beauty of lake water which turns into a "pink" color on social media.

Located in a part of Melbourne's industrial area, motorists passing through West Gate Brigde usually stop for a moment to see the lake closer. Although algae is not harmful to wildlife, the authorities warn that visitors do not come into contact with the water.

Park authorities in Victoria ask people who want to take photos to stay away from the shores of the lake. The ban is to protect vegetation around the lake so visitors must comply with all warnings. In addition, very salty water can cause irritation to the skin.

The pink phenomenon at Westgate Park can occur elsewhere in Australia and even throughout the world. In the remote northwest of Victoria lakes, Crosbie, Becking, Kenyon, and Hardy in Murray Sunset National Park are popular tourist spots because of their pink color. (WS.IN/UN/ENG/*)

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