
Here Are The Surprising Benefits of Soursop Fruits and Leaves for Beauty


INDEPHEDIA.com - Soursop fruit is easy to get in our environment. In fact, in traditional markets to self-service there are those who sell it. Because the thorny green fruit which has soft and runny flesh is commonly found in the tropics. Fruit with sweet and sour taste that later became popular because of the efficacy of the leaves to treat cancer.

Some research by health experts shows that soursop can kill cancer cells up to 10 times, more effective than chemotherapy. In fact, long ago it turned out that this fruit had long been part of traditional medicine.

Benefits of soursop apparently not only for health, but also has many benefits for skin and hair beauty, such as curing skin disorders, fight the signs of aging, overcome head lice, prevent hair loss to reduce dandruff.

1. Reducing dandruff

Soursop leaves contain ingredients that are anti-parasitic. If applied to the scalp, the anti-parasitic content will help fight dandruff along with the symptoms, including itchy and dry scalp.

2. Fight the signs of aging

Soursop fruit contains ascorbic acid and high vitamin C. Both of these ingredients are antioxidants in our body that can help reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation on the skin.

3. Cure skin disorders

Soursop leaves have an effective healing quality, because it is suitable for treating various skin problems. If you attach fresh soursop leaves to your problematic skin, the skin disease will heal faster.

4. Overcoming head lice

Who would have thought that soursop leaves can also function as an anti-lice remedy. To deal with lice that are lodged in the hair, use soursop leaves that have been crushed for creambath. Apply evenly to all parts of the hair and scalp. After that, wrap the head with a warm towel and let stand for 30 minutes.

5. Prevents hair loss

Soursop, with high vitamin C content in it can help prevent and overcome hair loss. Diligent consumption of soursop fruit will make hair healthier and stronger. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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