
How to Write a Message on Whatsapp Only By Voice, No Need to Type


INDEPHEDIA.com - WhatsApp (WA) is currently used by almost all people in the world to communicate. Daily Active Users (DAU) or WhatsApp daily active users have reached the range of one billion.

Between users throughout the world, WhatsApp handles more than 60 billion messages exchanges every day. So it is not surprising that the WhatsApp application is always trying to update features to provide the best service for its users.

One feature that is not yet known to many people, namely writing messages in WhatApp without typing or touching a finger on the mobile screen. This feature is like the 'OK GOOGLE' feature, just by issuing a sound, the WhatsApp application will capture the sound sensor and then scan it as a message post.

The method offered by this feature is quite interesting for WhatsApp users who want to write and send messages, but are lazy to type. This feature can also be used when busy driving, and doing everything that is quite busy but still wants to communicate via WhatsApp.

Just by making a sound, you don't need to bother moving your finger to the cellphone keyboard. WhatsApp will automatically track the sound and scan the sound according to the sound that we make. So sophisticated.

Here's how to write a message without typing with your finger, the message that you request appears by itself. How: (1) Open the WhatsApp application. (2) Select the contact to communicate with through the message. (3) Tap on the text board once so that the keyboard row appears.

Then, (4) Long press or click the microphone icon at the very bottom, not at the top parallel to the text board. (In looking for these microphones, each type of cell phone has a different location, can be at the bottom like a tutorial, or integrated in a keyboard space).

Next, (5) A green microphone signal appears, you can start talking, and the application will automatically receive voice input from the user. (6) Text will appear as a sound emitted on the text board and press the send button to send it. How, easy and practical how to send text messages without typing only by voice?

For the record: in using this application, it must be ensured that the sounds and articulations that are issued are clear, and away from noise so that the application can detect and translate sounds exactly to your liking. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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