
Lung Cancer Is Not Caused By Smokers, Here Are Other Factors


INDEPHEDIA.com - According to research and many cases that occur, most of the causes of lung cancer are caused by smoking. However, that does not mean people who do not smoke will be far from lung cancer. Many people who are not smokers suffer from this disease.

Besides active smokers, there are actually several other factors that cause lung cancer. The following INDEPHEDIA.com summarizes at least six factors that cause the development of lung cancer cells.

1. Inhalation of chemicals

Inhaling chemicals or minerals, such as asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, soot, or tar from time to time can increase a person's risk of lung cancer. Workers in certain manufacturing or mining industries may have higher exposure to these chemicals.

2. Asbestos Fiber

Asbestos fibers are silicate fibers that can last a lifetime in the lung tissue after exposure to asbestos. Currently, the use of asbestos is limited or prohibited in many countries including the United States.

Long-term asbestos exposure is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Miners, factory workers or people who might breathe in asbestos fibers have a greater risk of lung cancer.

3. Particle pollution

Particle pollution refers to the mixture of very small solid and liquid particles in the air we breathe. Evidence shows that particle pollution such as those from exhaust fumes and air pollution can increase the risk of lung cancer.

4. Radon gas

Radon gas is a natural inert gas which is chemically a natural decay product of uranium. The gas decays to form a product that emits a type of ionic radiation. Radon gas is a known cause of lung cancer, with an estimated 12 percent of deaths from lung cancer caused by radon gas.

Radon gas can travel through the ground and enter homes through gaps in foundations, pipes, drains, or other holes. Radon gas is invisible and odorless, but can be detected by simple test kits.

5. Passive smokers

Passive smoking or inhaling tobacco smoke from other people around you can be a cause of lung cancer. Research shows that nonsmokers living with smokers have an increased risk of cancer of 24 percent when compared to other nonsmokers.

6. Genetic

Genetic factors can also play a role in a person's chances of developing lung cancer. Family history of lung cancer may pose a higher risk of developing this disease. If other people in your family have or have had lung cancer, it is important to disclose this to your doctor. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)

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