
Predicted Bus and Train Passenger Density With Google Maps


INDEPHEDIA.com - Google with a variety of innovations, including features for public transportation, through the ability of the navigation application Maps can predict traffic density, bus or train schedules based on the latest traffic information and prediction of passenger density on the bus.

"You will see these features on Google Maps in almost 200 cities around the world, both on Android and iOS," wrote Google Maps Product Managers, Taylah Hasaballah, and Anthony Bertuca, in writing on Google's official blog.

The crowdedness prediction prediction feature, can be found when clicking on the public transport icon when searching for directions using Google Maps. Maps will provide information on whether buses or trains are full based on previous trips.

According to Google, this information can help users to decide whether to cram when the bus is full or wait for the next transport.

In a separate press release, Google analyzed the density of public transportation during rush hour, 6:00 to 10:00, in October 2018 to June 2019. They found that there were 10 cities in the world that had high density on public transportation, both buses and trains.

The ten cities are Buenos Aires route Urquiza (Argentina), Sao Paulo (Brazil) route 11, Buenos Aires route A, Sao Paulo route 8 Diamante, Paris (France) route 13, Buenos Aires route C, Tokyo (Japan) Chuo route, Sao Paulo route 9 Emerald, Tokyo route Nippori-Toneri and New York (United States) L train.

The second feature for public transportation on Google Maps is named live traffic delays to see the prediction of bus arrival schedules based on the current traffic situation.

Google made this feature for areas where they haven't gotten bus schedule information from the local government. In fact, through this feature you will also see where the trip is delayed on the map. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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