
These Are The Health Benefits of Fruits You Need to Know


INDEPHEDIA.com - Anyone would want a healthy body every day. The benefits of fruit for bodily health are very diverse. In addition to maintaining health, the nutritional content of the fruit is also beneficial to protect the body from disease and can even help the healing process of the disease.

Actually, fruits contain nutrients that the body needs. The nutrients contained in it make the fruit's health benefits unquestionable. Its nutritional content keeps the body healthy, also protects the body from damage caused by chemicals that enter and cause interference.

Acidic fruits such as strawberries are rich in vitamin C which can boost the immune system, carrots are rich in vitamin A, and spinach is a source of iron that can prevent anemia. Apples contain 16 kinds of polyphenols which work as antioxidants which are good for health.

Nutrient content in fruit, including vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, and water, antioxidants and phytonutrients, which also provide its own health benefits body.

The Importance of Eating Fruits Every Day

Fruits are known to have low fat and sugar content, fruit is also the best source of fiber which is beneficial for digestive health. Eating fruits every day is a good diet, but can also support a healthy lifestyle.

Some of the health benefits of fruit for the body, namely preventing obesity and maintaining ideal body weight, lowering cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer and hypertension.

Meanwhile, the fiber content in fruit helps prevent and overcome digestive problems, such as constipation, maintain eye health and prevent eye diseases related to aging, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Recommended Fruit Eating Servings

For maximum health, consume fruits in the correct portions to get the benefits. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 5 servings or around 400 grams of fruit and vegetables every day. By consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables, can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and also cancer.

To simplify the presentation, you can consume it in various types, such as in the form of fresh, frozen, canned, dried, or in the form of juice. The reason is, there is no one type of fruit or vegetable that contains all the complete nutrients that the body needs.

So, you are advised to eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables every day. That way, you can get a different combination of nutrients from each fruit and vegetable consumed.

Choosing and Implementing Eating Fruit

To maximize the quality of its nutritional content, buy fruit when it suits the fruit season, for example buying mangoes when the mango season arrives. This is a surefire way to ensure the fruit is ripe on time or without the process of forced ripening with substances. The price is also definitely cheaper than when it is not in season.

Then, choose fruits that are still fresh, with good quality. You can assess the condition of the fruit from the surface of the skin and stem. Choose not defective or rotten. Don't forget to clean the fruit by washing it using running water before peeling and eating.

Get a combination of nutrients by serving colorful fruits in each serving or dish per day. Applying the habit of eating fruit every day you can do by including fruits and vegetables as your daily menu, at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks at leisure time.

Serve fruit as a healthy snack that you can bring to the office, to school, or to the playground. Place the fresh fruit in a visible and easily accessible place, such as on the dining table. This is so you are always interested in eating fruit when you see it.

Try to be creative in serving fruit with the latest recipes. You can also serve fruit with different colors and textures to enhance your and your family's appetite for eating fruit.

Avoid consuming fruit juices and dried fruits that contain lots of sugar. If you want fruit juice, make it without sugar. Unprocessed fresh fruit certainly has better nutritional content than those that have been processed.

Although the benefits of fruit for health are numerous, but there are some people who have to limit or avoid it, for example people who have intolerance to fructose.

People with fructose intolerance may experience digestive problems after consuming certain fruits. If you have certain medical conditions or are undergoing a diet program, it is recommended to consult a doctor about what fruit you can consume. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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