
Sigeh Penguten Dance, Lampung Distinctive Opening Dance


Besides being performed at local traditional events, through a Regional Regulation (Perda), the Sigeh Pengunten Dance was inaugurated as a Lampung dance in welcoming important guests.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Sigeh Penguten Dance is one of the new dance creations from the Lampung area, Indonesia. This dance is a cultural fusion between the two Lampung tribes, namely Pepadun and Saibatin. Besides being performed at local traditional events, through a Regional Regulation (Perda), the Sigeh Pengunten Dance was inaugurated as a Lampung dance in welcoming important guests.

Sigeh Penguten dance has the meaning contained therein. The meaning of the movement contains the philosophy of Piil Pesengiri, accompaniment as an offering, cosmetology which has a meaning of fun and clothing that represents the two tribes, namely Pepadun and Saibatin.

In addition, the property used in the Sigeh Penguten dance, namely tepak, has its own meaning in its use. The betel-filled box will be given to one of the guests who is considered to represent all guests. This is as a welcome and thank you from the host to the guests who have attended the event.

One of the characteristics in the Sigeh Pengunten Dance which is the original element of the Praying Dance is the accessories worn by the dancers. As the name implies, the main accessory used is the siger - the customary crown worn by a gold colored woman who has become the regional identity of Lampung.

Another accessory used on the fingers of the dancer Sigeh Pengunten is a ladder, which is a golden cone-shaped finger cover. In addition to the two accessories earlier, the dancer sigeh dancer also wears a board, canoe bracelets, bird bracelets, jukuman necklaces, and pending. (NW.IN/ENG/*)
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