
Way Kambas National Park, Attractions and Elephant Conservation


INDEPHEDIA.com - Way Kambas National Park (TNWK), one of the oldest national parks in Indonesia, located in Lampung Province, precisely in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung Regency.

Way Kambas National Park focuses on training and protecting elephants, so if you visit here the must-see thing is the elephant. 

In addition to Way Kambas, elephant schools (Elephant Training Centers) can also be found in Minas, Riau. 

Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) that live in this region are decreasing in number.

Way Kambas National Park was established in 1985 and is the first elephant school in the country. 

With the initial name of the Elephant Training Center (PLG) later changed to the Elephant Conservation Center (PKG), this national park is expected to be an elephant conservation center in domestication, training, breeding and conservation.

Until now, this PKG has trained around 300 elephants that have been distributed throughout the country. 

In Way Kambas there is also the International Rhino Foundation which is tasked with protecting the rhino species so that it is not endangered.

Way Kambas National Park is located about 2 hours drive from Bandar Lampung City, the capital of Lampung Province. 

Besides elephants, Way Kambas National Park also protects some endangered animals, such as the Sumatran tiger and Sumatran rhino.

To enter this area, you must obtain a permit which can be obtained at the entrance gate of Way Kambas National Park. 

Here, you can see a variety of elephant shows, for example elephant football, elephant riding, and others.

Way Kambas Festival

In the Way Kambas National Park every year the Way Kambas Festival is usually held, which consists of various activities, ranging from the adventurous trail in Way Kambas.

Than, running 10 kilometers away, exploring by bicycle, photography competition, to culinary.

Most seized many participants was running in the Way Kambas jungle. The runners will cross the Way Kambas forest accompanied by smart elephants from the national park. 

The festival is usually held on the second week of November each year. There are many participants in this event.

Not only adding to the annual festival list, the Way Kambas Festival is expected to increase the prestige of the national park. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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