
Boracay, Beautiful Island and Beach Attractions in The Philippines


INDEPHEDIA.com - Boracay is one of the mainstay attractions in the Philippines. Boracay is a small island part of Aklan Province, with a length of 7 km and a width of 1 km, located about 315 kilometers south of Manila and 2 kilometers at the northwestern tip of Panay Island in the West Visayas region in the Philippines. Boracay itself has three main beaches that are always crowded with tourists. The three beaches, namely White Beach, Crystal Cove Island and Yapak Beach.

White Beach is the most famous tourist attraction among the three beaches. This destination presents beaches with white sand. The sea is also clear with fairly calm water. Many tourists come to this one destination to relax and enjoy every beauty there is.

Meanwhile, Crystal Cove Island is famous for its underwater scenery. In this tourist Boracay tourists will find a cave connected to the sea and visitors can try diving. Visitors can also explore the island by conducting outbound activities. Interesting view that conditions for natural charm will be seen there.

Then, Yapak Beach, a tropical beach. Many coconut trees that will accompany the leisure time of tourists. These trees will faithfully welcome visitors to enjoy the calm of the sea of ​​Boracay.

Because of its charm, Boracay Island and its beaches have received awards from various publications and travel agents. The island is managed by the Boracay Interagency Task Force. In addition to its white sand beaches, Boracay is also famous as one of the world's top destinations for relaxation. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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