
Cendrawasih Bay National Park, Enchantment in Eastern Indonesia


INDEPHEDIA.com - Papua Island, Indonesia, a meeting area of ​​two continental plates, which makes this region has a fascinating diversity of nature, ranging from the potential of flora, fauna, to the natural panorama that is still stored and has not been identified as a whole.

With a variety of charms, Papua also has a variety of interesting spots that become tourist destinations to research, one of them is Cendrawasih Bay National Park (TNTC). Cendrawasih Bay National Park covers an area of ​​1,453,500 hectares and is one of the largest national parks in Indonesia after Lorentz National Park which is also found in Papua.

The Cenderawasih Bay National Park region which is above the meeting between the two plates, the Pacific Ocean plate and the Australian continental plate, makes this region has a rich diversity of natural potential. Various types of flora and fauna with various characteristics of life and growing along the area.

Administratively, the Cendrawasih Bay National Park is located in Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua Province, and Nabire Regency, Papua Province. This national park area is bordered by Manci Village, Ransiki District, Manokwari Regency and Yapen Waropen Regency sea waters. In the south it borders the mainland of the main island of Papua.

On the east side, this national park is bordered by Sima village, Yaur District, Nabire Regency and Yapen Waropen Regency. Meanwhile, in the west it is directly bordered by the mother island of Papua. TNTC topographical conditions are generally hilly, mountainous and in some parts of ramps, steep and steep. (SW.IN/ENG/*)
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