
Knowing The Definition, Purpose, Embodiment and Attributes of Statues


INDEPHEDIA.com - The statue was made with the primary purpose as a religious medium, which is a means of worshiping God Almighty and His Gods. In contrast to sculpture in general, art statues are intended as a beauty. Therefore, making a statue is not as simple as making a statue.

As citing Wikipedia, in religion in Indonesia there are three kinds of statues, namely statues from the Hindu religion, statues from the relics of Buddhism, and statues of Christianity, especially Catholic.

Statues in Hinduism

In Hinduism, there is a statue that interprets it as Murti, or Murthi, which refers to an image that depicts a Spirit or Soul of God (Murta). Means "bodily" Murti is an embodiment of the God aspect (Gods), usually made of stone, wood, or metal, which serves as a means and object of concentration to God in worship.

According to Hindu belief, Murti is worthy of worship as the focus of worship to God after the holy spirit is called and resides in it with the aim of making offerings or offerings. The manifestation of a god or goddess, both posture, attributes, or proportions must refer to the relevant religious tradition.

Statues are not always found near a temple. A temple may have a statue, but a statue may not be in a temple. There are three types of statues based on the worshiper's quantity, namely:

- Istadewata statue, which is a statue owned by an individual, so that it can be taken anywhere.
- Kuladewata statue, which is a statue that is owned by a family, is usually found in homes.
- Garbadewata statue, the statue that is worshiped by many people, in this case the community.

Statue in Buddha

Murti is also glorified in Buddhism, especially the Mahayana school of worship as a target of worship or focus of meditation. Murti worship is highly recommended in Hinduism and Buddhism, especially during the Dwapara Yuga period, as mentioned in the Pañcaratra text. In Buddhism, the statue of the realization of Gautama Buddha is called Buddharupa.

Like (Attributes or Objects in Arca)

Statues like Gods, Goddesses, or Bodhisattvas usually wear grand and luxurious jewelry, such as jamang, jatamakuta (crown), eardrop (earrings), rings, bracelets, shoulder straps, upawita, pending, belly belt, belt, hips and anklet.

Unlike ordinary sculptures that are made freely according to the wishes of the sculpting artist, the statues of Gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas or certain spiritual beings have characteristics called Laksana, namely certain attributes or objects carried by this statue which are the hallmark. Like has been agreed in the iconography of Hindu and Buddhist art.

Like or characteristic attributes of the gods or spiritual figures, among others:

- Shiwa: Having a third eye on his forehead, on his crown there is a crescent moon and a skull called Ardhachandrakapala, upawita (caste ropes) of a dragon, wearing a tiger skin loincloth which is displayed by carving the head and tail of a tiger on his thigh, with four arms carrying the attributes of a trident , aksamala (prayer beads), camara (fly repellent), and kamandalu (jug). The vehicle (vehicle) is Nandi.
- Vishnu: Wearing the great jatamakuta crown, four-handed that carries the attributes of chakra (disk), cengkha (wing of a clam), mace, and fruit or flower buds of the lotus flower. The place is Garuda.
- Brahma: Four-headed in each direction of the compass, wearing the great crown of jatamakuta, four-handed that carries the attributes of the book, aksamala (prayer beads), camara (fly repellent), and fruit or bud of the lotus flower. The material is Hamsa (goose).
- Agastya: Shiwa in its manifestation as a recluse of the ascetic brahmin, is depicted by an old man with a beard and a protruding belly, holding the aksamala, kamandalu, and trident.
- Ganesha: This elephant-headed son Shiwa is depicted with four arms with his back hand holding the axs and axes, while his front hand holds a bowl that his trunk has inhaled, as well as ivory pieces.
- Durga: Shiva's wife is often manifested as Mahisashuramardhini (Ashura bull killer) with the oppressive position of a giant bull. She is depicted as a beautiful woman in an oversized eight or twelve hand dress holding various weapons such as swords, shields, machetes, arrows, arrows, chakras, cloves, and hands that grabbed Mahisashura's hair and pulled her tail. The lord is the lion.
- Laksmi: Wishnu's wife is a goddess of prosperity and happiness. Described as a beautiful woman in oversized clothes with two or four arms holding a lotus (red lotus).
- Saraswati: Brahma's wife is a goddess of knowledge and art. Described as a beautiful woman in oversized clothes with four hands holding a sitar, aksamala, and lontar books. The reserve is hamsa (swan).
- Wairocana: Buddha of the central Zenith is described as Buddharupa in a cross-legged position or sitting with the mudra (hand gesture) dharmachakra mudra or witarka mudra.
- Awalokiteswara: Wearing the great jatamakuta crown in the center of which was engraved with Amitabha Buddha, two or four-handed who carried the attributes of a lotus flower bud or flower bud.
- Maitreya: Wearing the grand jatamakuta crown in the center of which is carved with a stupa.
- Prajnaparamita: The goddess of Buddhist wisdom is described as a beautiful woman dressed in great greatness cross-legged in a lotus position with the dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma). His left arm grabbed a lotus flower stem on top of which was a lontar manuscript of the Prajnaparamita sutra. (BD.IN/ENG/*)
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