
Mount Fuji Icon in Japan


INDEPHEDIA.com - This 3,776 meter high Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan, located on the border of Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefecture, west of Tokyo or on the Pacific coast in the center of Honshu.

Mount Fuji which is surrounded by five lakes, namely Lake Kawaguchi, Yamanaka, Sai, Motosu and Shoji, is also surrounded by three cities, namely Gotemba (east), Fuji-Yoshida (north) and Fujinomiya (southwest).

This mountain, which is 100 kilometers from Tokyo, is known as one of the “three sacred mountains” in Japan. Mount Fuji was also registered as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2013.

Mount Fuji, a famous symbol of Japan, is often depicted in art and photographs, and is visited by mountaineers and tourists alike.

Before the pandemic of the new corona virus (Covid-19) broke out, around 200 thousand people climbed Mount Fuji every year, 30 percent of whom were foreigners or foreign tourists.

The most popular deadline for climbers to climb the mountain is between July 1 and August 27. The hike can be done by any route and takes from 3 to 7 hours, while the descent mountain takes about 2 to 5 hours.

There are 4 climbing routes on Mount Fuji. To get to the climbing point level 5, climbers are recommended to take a direct bus from Tokyo. It is possible to use the train, but from the station you must continue to take a bus or taxi, which will take approximately 3 hours.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all climbing routes on Mount Fuji were officially closed until the conditions for the pandemic outbreak were safe. Apart from hiking trails, various tourist facilities around Fuji are also temporarily closed.

However, as a tourist attraction visited by tourists and economic drivers, after the closing climb, it will certainly reopen. (WS.UN/ED/*)


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