
The Origin and Name Moro Tribe


The word "Moro" was originally the name Spanish colonizers to the local Muslims in the Philippines. In ancient times the majority of the inhabitants of Midanau and the surrounding islands were Muslim.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The Moro tribe is a tribe in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and even spread across various islands. In the Philippines, the Moro tribe in Mindanao is an ethnoreligious tribe consisting of 13 ethnic groups who inhabit the southern Philippines.

The word "Moro" was originally the name Spanish colonizers to the local Muslims in the Philippines. In ancient times the majority of the inhabitants of Midanau and the surrounding islands were Muslim.

The war for independence has been fought by various Muslims for five centuries against the rulers. The Spanish, American, Japanese and Philippine troops have not succeeded in reducing the resolve of those who want to separate from the Philippines.

The Moro tribe is known as a persistent seafaring tribe and can adapt to the various places they live. In Indonesia, the Moro tribe once lived on Morotai Island, North Halmahera Islands, North Maluku Province, and became the original tribe of Halmahera Island. On the island of Sumatra, there is a Moro District in Karimun Regency, Riau Islands.

In the Philippines, the area where this ethnic group includes the southern part of Mindanao, the Sulu archipelago, Palawan, Basilan and several neighboring islands. Most of them live in Mindanao, Philippines.

Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines and one three main island groups along with Luzon and Visayas. Mindanao, located in the southern part Philippines, is a historic residential area for the majority of Muslims or the Moro Tribe, most of whom are ethnic Marano and Tasaug.

Launching Wikipedia, on the eastern part of Kalimantan Island, the Moro Nation Rumpun is called the Bajau Tribe. Berau, the Bajau Tribe is an ethnic group whose homeland is the Sulu Islands, Southern Philippines. This tribe is a nomadic tribe that lives above the sea, so it is called sea gypsies. The Bajau tribe uses the Sama-Bajau language.

Since hundreds of years ago, the Bajau tribe has spread to the land of Sabah and various parts of Indonesia. The Bajau are also part country in Sabah. The tribes in Kalimantan are thought to have migrated from the north (Philippines) in prehistoric times.

The Bajau Muslim tribe is the last wave of migration from the north of Kalimantan which enters the coast of East Kalimantan to South Kalimantan and occupies the surrounding islands, ahead arrival of Muslim tribes from the Bugis family, namely the Bugis, Makassar and Mandar tribes.

Areas on the island of Kalimantan that contain the Bajau tribe, including Raja Ampat Regency, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan and others. (MR/IN/*)

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