
Galileo Galilei, Astronomer, Philosopher and Physicist


INDEPHEDIA.com - Galileo Galilei is a scientist who has a big role in science in the world, especially the biggest contributor to modern science.

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, February 15, 1564, to Vincenzo Galilei (father) and Giulia Ammannati (mother).

Galileo's father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a mathematician and musician from Florence, Italy. Galileo had been educated since childhood, especially about mathematics.

While teaching at the University of Padua, Galileo was already steeped in science and made many discoveries.

Astronomer, Philosopher and Physicist

Galileo Galilei was an astronomer, philosopher and physicist who made major contributions to the scientific revolution.

For his findings and theories, Galileo Galilei is known by various names, such as the Father of Science, the Father of Observational Astronomy, the Father of Modern Physics and the Father of the Scientific Method.

One of his discoveries that is still applied in physics experiments, including the Galileo transformation.

The Galileo transformation is specifically used for speed problems where the value is very small compared to the speed of light.

Telescope Enhancer

Other contributions of Galileo Galilei in science, namely the improvement of the telescope, various astronomical observations and the first and second laws of motion (dynamics).

In addition, Galileo was also known as a supporter of Copernicus regarding the circulation of the earth around the sun and the sun as the solar system.

Galileo did not invent the telescope, but he perfected the tool himself. He became the first person to use it to observe the sky.

Galileo discovered three of Jupiter's moons -Io, Europa, and Kalisto- on January 7, 1610. Four nights later, he discovered Ganimede.

In his observations, he also found that the moons appear and disappear.

The symptoms, he suspected, came from the objects' motion relative to Jupiter, leading him to conclude that these four objects orbited the planet.

However, his thinking about the sun as the center of the solar system contradicts Aristotle's teachings and the church's belief that the earth is the center of the universe.

The Controversy of Galileo Galilei's Theory

On June 22, 1633, he was submitted to the Italian church court because his views which he mentioned were deemed to have deviated from the beliefs held by society and the church at that time.

In the verdict, he was sentenced to house arrest (excommunication) until the end of his life. However, his views that had caused controversy changed.

In 1992, Pope John Paul II officially declared the sentence to be wrong.

In a December 21, 2008 speech, Pope Benedict XVI stated that the Roman Catholic Church rehabilitated its name as a scientist. (*)

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