
History The Sultanate of Siak Sri Inderapura, Riau

Photo Source: Wikipedia

INDEPHEDIA.com - Siak Sri Indrapura is an Islamic kingdom located in Siak Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia, which was founded in 1723 by Raja Kecik.

Raja Kecik has the title Sultan Abdul Jalil Rahmat Syah, the son of the King of Johor, Sultan Mahmud Syah, and his wife, Encik Pong.

Before the Siak Kingdom was founded, the area of Siak, where it is said that the name Siak came from the name of a type of plant, namely Siak Siak, which grew a lot there --- was under the rule of Johor.

Even though the Siak Kingdom was originally founded in Buantan, the center of the Siak Kingdom did not live in Buantan. The center of his empire was always on the move.

From Buantan City, the center of the kingdom moved to Mempura, then moved to Senapelan Pekanbaru and returned to Mempura.

During the reign of Sultan Ismail and Sultan Assyaidis Syarif Ismail Jalil Jalaluddin (1827-1864) the center of the Siak Kingdom was moved to the city of Siak Sri Indrapura.

The move between 1827-1864 established the center of the Siak Kingdom to reside there until finally the reign of the last Sultan of Siak.

During the time of the 11th Sultan, namely Sultan Assayaidis Syarief Hasyim Abdul Jalil Syaifuddin who reigned in 1889-1908, a magnificent imperial palace was built.

The palace of the Siak Sri Inderapura Sultanate is located in Siak City and this palace is named Asseraiyah Hasyimiah Palace which was built in 1889.

After his death, Sultan Assayaidis Syarief Hasyim Abdul Jalil Syarifuddin was replaced by his son Tengku Eldest Syarief Kasim who was still small and was studying in Batavia.

It was only in 1915 that the successor to the imperial throne was crowned as the 12th Sultan of Siak with the title Assayaidis Syarief Kasim Abdul Jalil Syaifuddin.

Apart from having the title Assayidis Syarief Kasim Abdul Jalil Syarifuddin, the 12th sultan of Siak is also known as Sultan Syarif Kasim Tsani (Sultan Syarif Kasim II). (IND/US)

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