
Megalithic Site in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi


INDEPHEDIA.com - The megalithic site in Lore Lindu National Park is a cultural heritage complex that has important value to the world.

These prehistoric remains are scattered in four valleys in Poso and Sigi districts, Central Sulawesi province, Indonesia.

The remains of the megalithic era spread over more than 200 thousand hectares in the Lore Lindu National Park (TNLL) area.

In the two regencies in Central Sulawesi, which have megalithic relics, they still have the characteristics of lowland rain forest and mountain rain forest vegetation.

In Sigi Regency there is one area that has a megalithic distribution known as Lindu.

Meanwhile, in Poso Regency, it is known as the Lore area, where there are three valleys that have their distribution, namely the Napu Valley, the Behoa Valley and the Bada Valley.

A number of megalithic finds in the area have various types, shapes and uses, such as stone vessels (kalamba), grave jars, statues and menhirs.

Later, mortar stones, dakon stones, mortar stones, dulang stones, punden terraces and fences or fortifications were also found.

Remains of large stones in the form of monuments (menhirs), stone vessels (kalamba), stone tables (dolmens), bodies (sarcophagi), or terraced punden are also found here.

These remains are evidence that is not easily eroded by the times regarding the existence of civilizations hundreds or even decades ago in that place.

You can immediately feel the nuances of an ancient and mysterious civilization when you enter the Megalithic Pokekea tourist attraction in Hanggira Village, Behoa Valley, Central Lore District, Poso Regency.

In that remote desert scattered dozens of carved stones on a plain area of 199,146,000 square meters.

Based on the results of carbon dating tests of megalithic remains scattered in the Lore area, it shows that this culture is around 2000 BC.

Meanwhile, from the results of research at the Wineki site, Behoa Valley, human skeleton bones were found in one of the jar graves.

Research reveals that the remains in this place are estimated to be around 2351-1416 BC, which then became extinct between 1452-1527 AD. (FD/IN/US)

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