
Recorded in Arabic and Chinese News, this Is Location of The Sabak Kingdom According to Researchers and Historians


INDEPHEDIA.com - One of the kingdoms that is still a mystery and the center of its kingdom has not been found with certainty until now is the Kingdom of Sabak.

According to Wikipedia, Sabak was an ancient kingdom which according to some sources was in the waters between China and India.

Until now the exact name and location of the Sabak Kingdom is still a matter of debate among researchers.

Some have proposed Kalimantan and the Philippines as the center of the Sabak kingdom. However, the majority of historians interpret Zabaj as the area of present-day Java.

A number of studies also link this kingdom with Srivijaya, and estimate its location to be somewhere in Java, Sumatra or the Malay Peninsula.

Some historians say Zabag in Arabic is the same as Javaka in Pali texts. This area is included in the Sriwijaya Kingdom.

Texts from Sri Lanka narrate that King Chandrabhanu Sridhamaraja ruled over the Kingdom of Tambralinga, Sri Lanka, one of the princes of Javaka.

In the story it is mentioned, Chandrabhanu Sridhamaraja occupied the throne after Javaka invaded Sri Lanka in 1247.

Some Indonesian historians say that Zabag is the same as Sabak (Muara Sabak), a kingdom located at the mouth of the Batang Hari River, Jambi.

According to Mansoer et al (1970), in old Chinese news reports San-fo-tsi was mentioned as a port frequently visited by his merchants to buy pepper.

The phonetics of the word 'san-fo-tsi' is not very far from the sound of 'tembesi'. The main Old Sriwijaya (Jambi) port is Muara Sabak.

In Arabic reporting it is called Zabaq. The Arabs transcribed Srivijaya as Sribuzza, and the Chinese news wrote Che-li-fo-che.

From these reports, it was stated that an old kingdom that had important ports in Sumatra was the Old Malay Kingdom which was centered in Muara Tembesi.

The area to the south of Jambi began to play an important role as a pepper producer. With the help of the T'ang Chinese fleet, San-fo-tsi established a base there, around 683 AD.

At that time the relationship between the Umayyad Caliph and the Sriwijaya Kingdom was very close, especially in trade and introducing Islamic teachings.

Once upon a time there was a palace revolution which was masterminded by the Chinese navy which resulted in the killing of Sri Maharaja Indrawarman.

Meanwhile, Syria in 750 managed to block the rule of the Umayyad Caliph in Damascus and prevented them from sending military aid to Sabak.

Since then, the propagation of Islam in the Sabak lands has been halted for approximately 400 years. In the 13th century AD the spread of Islam began to re-enter this region.

Another source said, Che-li-fo-che, Sriwijaya/Jambi, Muara Sabak, flanked by Old Malay and Muara Tembesi in the north and Palembang in the south.

Sabak is recorded as annexing Sriwijaya, and the size of Sabak is only half the size of the island called Ramni (Sumatra). (*)

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