
Ratih, Goddess of Love and Goddess of The Moon in Ancient Javanese Hindu Culture and Balinese Mythology

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INDEPHEDIA.com - Dewi Ratih (Goddess Ratih) is the goddess of beauty. Another name for Dewi Ratih, namely Kamaratih or Rati.

Apart from being known as the goddess of love or romance, Dewi Ratih is a moon goddess in ancient Javanese Hindu culture and Balinese mythology.

Dewi Ratih is the daughter of Daksha, a Brahmin and the wife of Batara Kamajaya, the god of love.

The famous myth about Dewi Ratih is about the lunar eclipse. In the story, during an eclipse, Dewi Ratih, who was running in heaven, was caught by Kala Rau.

He was chased for telling Lord Vishnu that Kala Rau wanted to drink from Tirta Amertha or the water of eternal life.

Another story, with the reason of revenge, one day Shiva (Batara Guru) turns Kama, Ratih's husband, into ashes with his third eye.

In ancient Javanese Hindu myths, because of her loyalty Dewi Ratih asked Shiva to kill her all.

The most popular version in India is another, after her husband was burned to ashes, Ratih then persuaded Shiva to revive her husband who had become ashes.

Shiva then granted Ratih's request and gave birth to Kama, Ratih's husband, again as Pradyumna, the son of Lord Krishna.

The myth is that Ratih is a goddess who is indeed very beautiful. The Javanese tradition of performing mitoni usually embodies Dewi Kamaratih in young coconuts so that later if the child is born as a girl, she will be as beautiful as Kamaratih. (*)

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