Begu Ganjang, Magical Creature in North Sumatra

Photo Source: Boombastis - Begu Ganjang is a supernatural or invisible creature that comes from living things or certain locations in North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Indonesia.

In Indonesian, begu means ghost and ganjang means long. So literally, Begu Ganjang is a long ghost.

According to legend, Begu Ganjang has a tall body, long hair and a scary face. In fact, he said, Begu Ganjang was seen as getting taller.

Those who believe that begu originates from the spirits of deceased humans. This begu will go to a magical place, a gathering place for groups of people or people who have died.

If a man dies, his spirit (tondi) will remain around his body for up to 11 days and a woman's tondi will remain around her body for 9 days.

This also strengthens the Batak saying that men's souls are stronger than women's.

This is then the reason for some Batak people to look after the graves of those who have just died.

Like humans in general, this begu is also believed to have strata. For those who behaved well during their lives, their descendants will still respect them. Begu, a good person, is believed to become sumangot and then become sahala.

Therefore, the Batak people really respect their parents even though they have died. In fact, if his parents have died, offerings will be given and a house will be built at his funeral (tugu).

In his time, Begu Ganjang could be 'maintained' by residents. Apart from seeking wealth (pesugihan), Begu Ganjang can kill or harm other people.

In addition, there are also those who use Begu Ganjang to protect agriculture and plantations from theft or other bad intentions. (*)

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