
History of The Kingdom of Negeri Daya in Aceh

Photo Source: Travelplus Indonesia

INDEPHEDIA.com - The Daya Kingdom or Negeri Daya Kingdom is a kingdom located in Lhan Na (now Lamno), Aceh Jaya Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia.

The Kingdom of Negeri Daya was founded in 1480 AD with the first king Sulthan Salathin Alaidin Ri'ayat Syah (Sultan Salatin Alaidin Riayat Syah) or better known as Poteu Meureuhom Daya or Cik Po Kandang.

This kingdom was part of the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Kingdom established by Sulthanah Siti Hur Khairil Barri Wal Bahriyah who ruled in 1520–1553.

From further developments, the West Aceh region at the end of the XVII century had developed into several small kingdoms led by Ulee Balang, namely Kluang, Lamno, Kuala Lambeusoe, Kuala Daya and Kuala Unga.

Then, Babah Awe, Krueng No, Crak Mong, Lhok Kruet, Babah Nipah, Lageun, Lhok Geulumpang, Rameue, Lhok Rigaih, Krueng Sabee, Teunom and Panga.

After the end of the Aceh War (1914), these Ulee Balang countries obtained self-governing status (zelfbestuur landschappen).

Indigenous People of Daya Country

According to a number of sources, the natives living in this kingdom were originally thought to have come from the Lanun people. The Acehnese call Lanun "Lhan" or the Samang nation.

The nation came from the Malacca Peninsula or the Back Indies, Burma and Champa. They are thought to have a relationship with the Mongolians who came from the foothills of the Himalayas.

The immigrants from the Lanun nation who have no religion live in the upper reaches of the Daya River, in a hamlet called Lhan Na which is now called Lam No.

As development progressed, the inhabitants of the upper reaches of the Daya river mixed with new people who came, because their mixture of civilizations advanced.

After the people from Aceh Besar and Pasai who were Muslim came to Daya, the people on the coast of Daya country started to embrace Islam until finally all the Lhan people were Muslim.

Origin Name of the Land of Daya

It is said, when there was a war between the King of Pidie against the King of Pasai in the mid-15th century AD, at that time there was a rebellion by the King of Nagor, the former hero of Pasai who was punished.

In that battle the King of Pasai lost, Sultan Haidar Bahiyan Syah died, the throne of Pasai was usurped by Nagor King Pidie in 1417.

Since then, the King of Nagor ruled the land of Pasai. However, there were many conflicts with the descendants of the Sultan of Pasai's family so that many were killed.

Several descendants of the Pasai family avoided going to seek and open new lands, one of them came to Daya.

This country is named based on this incident, namely Daya which means helpless anymore, has run out and has had enough business.

According to an oral story that at that time (formerly) when the descendant of Pasai King or the person who (would) become king arrived at Kuala Daya, his boat ran aground.

Everything in the boat was removed and everyone got down to pull the boat but it ran aground. So their leader called it enough effort and effort, but to no avail.

Feeling "powerless", they established a settlement in Kuala Daya. Then, the country is called "Powerless". But, over time the name "Powerless" is only called "Power".

Another story says, Daya King was the first descendant of the King of Aceh who exiled himself and then opened the country because of a dispute with his brother.

Naming Lamno

Meanwhile, the naming of Lamno began when Daya King made an expedition to the upper reaches of the Daya River to check on the country's inhabitants and arrived at what is now Peukan Lamno (Lamno Market).

There were found villagers who resembled the Lanun people from Malaya or the Back Indies. The Lanun people are called the Acehnese as the Lhan people.

The Lhan people live wild lives, not yet clothed. His clothes were made of thin bark and animal skins.

Because the Lhan people are already there, they are called “Lhan Kana” or “Lhan Na” which means the Lhan people are already there.

During the time of the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate, this place was called "Lam Na" and when the Dutch arrived the greeting changed to "Lam No", in the designation of Marsose soldiers from the Javanese tribe who called Lanno.

One of the countries of the Daya Kingdom is Keuluang Country. Its leader is called Raja (King) Keuluang who oversees four regions, namely Keuluang, Lam Beusoe, Kuala Daya and Kuala Unga.

As for Kuala Lam Beuso, its origins were because once upon a time there was a boat filled with iron cargo being rowed and sunk in the estuary. That's why the name Kuala Lam Beuso later changed to just Lam Beuso. (*)

Main Source: Tengkuputeh.com, Wikipedia.com and Acehjayakab.go.id

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