
Selebar Kingdom in Bengkulu

Region of Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The Selebar Kingdom is a kingdom that originated in the Bengkulu region, Sumatra Island, Indonesia.

One history states that the Selebar Kingdom was founded by an unnamed person from the Jenggalu Kingdom.

Jenggalu is one of the villages located in Sukaraja District, Seluma Regency, present-day Bengkulu Province.

Meanwhile, another history tells that this kingdom was fostered by a relative of the Mojopahit (Majapahit) Kingdom named Rangga Janu (Renggo Jeno).

In that history it is told, when the Majapahit Kingdom collapsed due to being conquered by the Demak Kingdom between 1518-1521, a number of Majapahit nobles who were also traders headed to Bengkulu.

It was during this century that it was estimated that Rangga Jeno and his younger brother Rangga Beru came to the Bia Paku area in the Jenggalu Kingdom and they settled there.

After a while, his younger brother Rio (Ario) Bina followed, who was good at captivating the king's heart, so he was made the head of the Bia Paku area and was given the title Rio Kajang Sejuang.

Because of his wise actions, Rangga Jeno around 1565 was chosen by the people to become king after King Jenggalo died.

By Rangga Jeno, who had the title of Depati Payung Negara, then his government position was moved to Bandar Selebar. Since then this kingdom is known as the Selebar Kingdom.

Depati Bangsa Radin, son of the Depati Payung Negara from Selebar in 1668 AD (1079 H) visited Banten to meet Sultan Agung Tirtayasa (Sultan Abdullah Abdulfatah, 1651-1682).

He received a letter from the Sultan of Banten which was written on a baking sheet along with a royal seal bearing the symbol of a dragon snake with a stamp handle made of ivory as his inauguration as king with the title Prince Natadirja.

According to history, Prince Natadirja married Princess Kemayan, the daughter of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa.

On March 23, 1719 a major event occurred, namely the ''Attack Fort Marlborough'' which according to history was led by Prince Intan Ali, son of Prince Natadirja.

The people of Jenggalu Village really believe in the existence of the Selebar Kingdom which is the forerunner of this village.

Evidence of the existence of the Selebar Kingdom in Jenggalu Village, in the form of the former location of the Selebar Kingdom with its kuto or palace moat and the tomb of Depati Payung Negara.

Apart from that, there are also several heirlooms that have been passed down from generation to generation and are kept at Masli Hi's house. Muhib who is a descendant of Prince Jenggalu and also the first Jenggalu village head. (*)

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