
Natural History, Museum of Natural History in the Largest London in the World


The Natural History Museum is home to around 70 million specimens from five major collections, and one of the world-famous research centers specializing in taxonomy, identification and conservation.

INDEPHEDIA.com - One of the famous historical attractions in London, England, is the Natural History Museum, the largest natural history museum in the world. If you travel to the UK, don't forget to take the time to visit this museum.

The Natural History Museum where about 70 million specimens are exhibited from 5 main collections, namely botany (plants), entomology (insects), mineralogy (minerals), palaeontology (fossil animals and plants), and zoology (animals), and one research center world-renowned with specializations in taxonomy, identification and conservation. Very complete here.

The Natural History Museum was originally part of the Bristish Museum, known as the British Museum (Natural History). However, because it requires more space while the place at the British Museum is limited, this museum was decided to break away in 1856.

The construction of the new Natural History Museum (NHM) began in 1873 and was completed in 1873. Although the transfer of collections from the old museum was only completed in 1883, the Natural History Museum had begun to be opened to the public from 1881.

Although it has been separated from the British Museum since then, legal separation into an independent museum only took place in 1963, and its name changed officially to the new Natural History Museum in 1992. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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