
Japanese Bunker Mount Pangilun, Japanese Fort in The City of Padang

Photo Source: BPCB Sumbar (West Sumatra BPCB)

INDEPHEDIA.com - The Japanese Bunker or Japanese Hole of Mount Pangilun is one of the cultural heritages that witnessed the existence and control of the Japanese army, especially in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

The Japanese Bunker/Hole of Mount Pangilun is located in Tabing Village, Banda Gadang, Nanggalo District, Padang City. At the foot of the hill is a village of local residents.

It is said Japanese Bunker or Japanese Pit Mount Pangilun because the bunker or hole on Mount/Pangilun Hill was built by the Japanese when they colonized Indonesia during World War II, between 1942-1945.

The bunker or hole that was built was used as a place for monitoring and defense by utilizing indigenous workers in the Romusa way.

The bunkers or pits are located at the bottom to the top of the hill with varying heights, functions and depths.

Photo Source: Halonusa

There are 7 (seven) bunkers or pits/tunnels and surveillance/control, 2 bunkers, 4 pits and 1 surveillance/control room.

The seven bunkers or holes/tunnels/rooms consist of Mount Pangilun I bunker, Mount Pangilun II bunker and Mount Pangilun Battery.

Then, the Japanese Mount Pangilun Hole I, the Japanese Mount Pangilun II Hole, the Japanese Mount Pangilun Hole III and the Japanese Mount Pangilun IV Hole.

Specifically for Mount Pangilun Battery, this building is located at the very top of the hill and is a surveillance/control and defense room without a roof or open.

The walls of the Mount Pangilun Battery made of castings resemble a circular fence without a roof and on the other side the roof is buried in the ground or underground.

For visitors who want to see the Japanese Bunker or the Japanese Hole of Mount Pangilun, access is not difficult because the location is in the center of Padang City.

To go to this area, visitors can use two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles.

Because of its location on a hill, vehicles can only reach the foot of the hill, right in the residents' village.

To continue the journey to see the Japanese Mount Pangilun bunker, visitors take it on foot along the hill. (*)

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