
Simardiring Cave Site, Remnants of the Lake Toba Eruption


The Simardiring Cave site is estimated to have formed thousands of years old and it is believed that the passageway went through to the Sulusulu Spear Cave.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Simardiring Cave or Simardiring Cave Site is located on Mount Sipalakki, Pakkat Village, Doloksanggul District, Humbanghasundutan (Humbahas), North Sumatra Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia.

The Simardiring Cave site is estimated to have formed thousands of years old and it is believed that the passageway went through to the Sulusulu Spear Cave.

According to the story, one day local people tried to prove that the cave was penetrated to Baktiraja by releasing some of their pet dogs.

Sure enough, a few weeks later the dogs were found in the Baktiraja region. The community thinks that this is an ancestral heritage that must be maintained.

Simardiring Cave is one proof of world heritage or an area that must be conserved, which is thought to be part of the relics of the Mount Toba eruption.

From geological research, Lake Toba has two types of bedrock, namely permocarbon around 300 million years old and 250 million years old mesozoic. (SJ.IN/ENG*)

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