
The Most Popular Beaches in Indonesia That Are Visited Many Foreign Tourists


In Indonesia, there are a number of popular beaches that are often visited by foreign tourists.

INDEPHEDIA.com - At present, the most favorite beach tourism for all circles and is very suitable for those who want to vacation with family, friends or colleagues. Many tourists, both domestic and foreign, intentionally come to the beach to enjoy the charm.

Traveling to the beach is much liked because it gives a different and pleasant holiday sensation. Visitors can play water, swim, sit and rest while enjoying the beauty of the natural surroundings of the beach or take pictures.

In Indonesia, there are a number of popular beaches that are often visited by foreign tourists. The beaches include Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Jimbaran Beach, Sanur Beach in Bali, beaches on the Gili Islands, Lombok which consist of 3 islands, including Gili Air, Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno and Pink Beach in East Lombok.

Then, there are also beaches and underwater nature in the Wakatobi Islands in Southeast Sulawesi, Tanjung Setia Beach in West Lampung, Lampung Province, Bunaken Beach part of Bunaken National Park in Manado, North Sulawesi, and a number of other coastal tours.

The beauty of marine tourism in Indonesia has really echoed in the world. No exception to cyberspace. Record trips that contain the beauty of the Indonesian sea have also spread and affected many people. Now, it's time for you to prove yourself the beauty of the beaches that have been visited by many foreign tourists. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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