
Bern Switzerland, Historic Beautiful City with Many Ancient Buildings


The uniqueness of this city has many ancient buildings which were built between 1100-1700's. One of the famous buildings, namely Bern Cathedral which was built with desai gothic in the 1400s.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The city of Bern, Switzerland, Central Europe, the most beautiful tourist spot in the world that has many historic buildings. The word Bern itself comes from the word "Bern" (German) which means bear. Therefore, the symbol of the City of Bern is a bear.

The uniqueness of this city has many ancient buildings which were built between 1100-1700's. One of the famous buildings, namely Bern Cathedral which was built with desai gothic in the 1400s.

The cathedral has towers that soar up to 328 feet or 100 meters and the tallest tower in Switzerland. From the tower, visitors can see the Alps well.

Other tours, the rest of the gate of the old city which has a tower on which there are clocks. The clock, which was installed in 1530, released several bells every hour. In addition, there are Bern government buildings which were built in 1902. Inside there are many pictures and sculptures that tell important events in Switzerland.

Bern had become a military post in 1911. The Bern region developed into a city and became an independent region. In 1353, Bern became part of the Swiss state. Between 1300 and 1700, the city of Bern was known to be quite strong. This power was destroyed when France attacked in 1798.

In 1803, Bern was under French rule. Furthermore, in 1848 the city of Bern became the capital city of Switzerland. In 1983, UNESCO named Bern as one of the world heritage sites because of the many historic buildings. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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