
Easy Way to Send Large Files Via E-mail With Dropbox Transfer


INDEPHEDIA.com - In addition to mail, yahoo and the most widely used and well-known at this time is the gmail service, currently there are enough e-mail services that can be used for various purposes, both sending files, data, photos, videos and etc.

In fact, not all e-mail services can send large files. Sending files via e-mail is limited, while your files are large, making business delays. However, you don't need to worry. Now, there are other alternatives that can be taken more easily using the Dropdbox service.

Dropbox has now improved its service by launching the Dropbox Transfer feature. With this feature, users can send files up to 100 GB in just a few steps. The capacity is five times greater than other data hosting providers at this time.

Interestingly, with Dropbox Transfer, e-mail recipients don't need to have a Dropbox account to receive files. The sender can simply upload the file from the computer to Dropbox Transfer. After that a link will appear that can be pasted (paste) anywhere and sent to anyone.

In addition, the sender can send e-mails that are created directly automatically from Dropbox Transfer. The recipient can receive a copy of the file that was sent without having to have a Dropbox account to open it.

Dropbox also has features for adding, changing, or deleting passwords. Users can change the expiration date for the link, even after sending the link. There are also notifications that will tell you when the file was received and how many times the link was accessed.

In the meantime, the new Dropbox Transfer feature is in beta which targets several selected users. Later, Dropbox Transfer is promised to be distributed evenly to all Dropbox users.

To avoid hackers who hacked the cloud storage service's internal system, Dropbox urges users who use the same password (with a Dropbox account) on other services to change their passwords to maintain security. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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