
Tupping Lampung, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia


TUPPING LAMPUNG - Tupping (Mask) is a distinctive mask of the Lampung tribe, which was included in the 2016 Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Indonesia, the domain of Traditional Crafts Skills and Skills.

There are two types of Lampung masks, namely Tupping and Sekura. Tupping develops in the area of ​​South Lampung Regency (Kuripan, Canti, and Kesugihan). Meanwhile, Sekura is located in the area of ​​West Lampung Regency (Belalau, Balik Bukit, Batubrak, Sukau, Recognize, Liwa) and its surroundings.

Both types of masks are often used in enlivening events, such as the Sekuran (Sekuraan) traditional party, the performance of the Tupping Dance drama, the parade of the mask to the cultural festival. (FT.IN/ENG/*)

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