
Halong Bay, a Popular World Heritage Attraction in Vietnam


INDEPHEDIA.com - Halong Bay in Tonkin Bay, Quang Ninh Province, one of the most popular tourist attractions and an icon in Vietnam. Halong Bay has more than 1,600 large islands and several smaller islands which form beautiful and amazing white limestone lumps.

Nevertheless, Halong Bay; —Teng Ha Long— means "Gulf of Dragons Going Down" in Vietnamese, with the limestone islands rising so spectacularly from the sea that are uninhabited. Because, some of the islands are steep and barren by limestone and only enough to enjoy its beauty.

Halong Bay was named a national site in 1962 by the Vietnamese government which subsequently became a National Landscape Site under the legal and cultural heritage of the Vietnamese government as stipulated in a 2009 regulation. Meanwhile, land ownership is held directly by the local provincial government.

This tourism object and historical heritage is also directly protected by a number of laws that apply nationally and includes several government decisions.

Since 1994, Halong Bay, which is near the border with the People's Republic of China and is 170 kilometers away from Hanoi, has been designated a world heritage by UNESCO. Then in 2012, the bay became one of the 7 wonders of the world version of the New 7 Wonders Foundation.

From Hanoi City, going to Halong Bay takes around 3 hours. It is located approximately 165 kilometers from Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam itself. The extent of approximately 43,400 hectares and including 1,600 large islands in it with stunning views of towering limestone rocks.

The beauty of Halong Bay is centered in the karsta limestone landscape that forms pillars of beauty along the sides. Moreover, coupled with the existence of arches and caves formed by erosion and abrasion around tourist destinations add to the beauty of Halong Bay. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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