
Torres del Paine, The Favorite Tourist National Park in Chile


INDEPHEDIA.com - Chile is one of the regions famous for its amazing natural tourist charm with a variety of flora and fauna. One popular tourist attraction in Chile is the Torres del Paine National Park (Spain: Parque Nacional Torres del Paine) which is surrounded by mountains, glaciers, lakes, valleys and rivers of the Southern Chilean Patagonia nature.

Torres del Paine National Park is located in the Magallanes region, north of Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas, two important areas in Chile and bordering the O'Higgins National Park and Los Glaciares National Park.

Founded in 1959, the name Torres del Paine has in fact been given since 1970 for this national park. Torres Del Paine National Park has been visited by many scientists, climbers and world famous explorers who also explore many other famous natural sites, such as Mount Everest. UNESCO entered it as a World Biosphere Reserve in 1978.

Unlike the Royal Botanical Gardens which tend to be safe, a trip to Torres del Paine National Park covering an area of ​​181,414 hectares, one of the largest and most visited parks in Chile will take you on an adventure and meet a variety of forest flora and fauna in their natural conditions.

To go to Torres del Paine National Park there are three entrances, namely Rio Serrano, Lago Sarmiento, and Laguna Armaga which can be accessed from different locations. If you want to use public transportation or a tour, there are various options, namely buses from Puerto Natales, buses from Punta Arenas, buses returning to Puerto Natales and tours with travel agents. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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