
Kingdoms in Papua, Majapahit Influence and The Islamic Sultanate

Photo Source: Dutch Museum Tripen Doc

INDEPHEDIA.com - Papua, which was previously named West Irian or Irian Jaya, is one of the islands in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which is located in the western part.

In Empu Prapanca's Kakawin Nagarakretagama, the Wwanin or Onin area (Fakfak Regency) in Papua at that time was the area of influence of the mandala of the Majapahit Kingdom.

Ewanin is another name for Onin and Sran is another name for Kowiai. Kowiai is a local kingdom whose mandala (circle) influence reaches the Kei Islands, in the southeast of Maluku.

After the influence of Hinduism (Majapahit Kingdom), although not many native Papuans were Muslims, in his time this area was influenced by the Islamic sultanates, namely Ternate, Tidore and Bacan.

Ternate kingdoms have been found in Raja Ampat, Sorong, Fakfak and Kaimana. The Biak Numfor area has become part of the Sultan of Tidore's power.

Since 1520 the Bacan Sultanate has controlled several areas and a number of community leaders on the islands of Waigeol Misool, Waigama and Salawati.

According to records, in Papua there were nine Islamic kingdoms. The Islamic kingdoms, namely the Waigeo Kingdom, the Misool/Lilinta Kingdom (Dekamboe clan) and the Salawati Kingdom (Arfan clan).

Then, the Sailolof/Waigama Kingdom (Tafalas clan), the Fatagar Kingdom (Uswanas clan), the Rumbati Kingdom (Bauw clan), the Kowiai/Namatota Kingdom, the Aiduma Kingdom and the Kaimana Kingdom (Aituarauw clan).

Apart from these nine Islamic kingdoms, other kingdoms in Papua include the Atiati Kingdom (Kerewaindżai clan), Patipi Kingdom, Arguni Kingdom and Wertuar Kingdom (Heremba clan). (*)

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