
Siguntang Hill Buddha Statue

Photo Source: Kemdikbud/Ministry of Education and Culture

INDEPHEDIA.com - The Bukit Siguntang Buddha statue was discovered in the 1920s on Siguntang Hill, Palembang City, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

At the time it was found, according to Kebudayaan.Kemdikbud, this statue consisted of several fragments of granite statues which turned out to be from a Buddha statue that was quite large.

The head of this statue was originally kept in the National Museum and then reunited with the body. The foot of this statue, until now has not been found.

At this time, the Bukit Siguntang Buddha Statue can be seen in the courtyard of the Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Museum which is in the Kuto Besak Fort Area.

The Buddha statue found at the Siguntang Hill Site is depicted in a standing position.

Her hair is described as small curls covering the entire head and at the top center there is a kind of round and small bun (usnisa).

The clothes worn were a kind of long striped robe. The dress covers both shoulders.

Regarding the dating, seen from the depiction of the statues, the overall appearance of the statues is in the style of the statues from the Amarawati artistic period.

Based on this art style, it is possible that the Buddha statue from Siguntang Hill dates from the 6th-7th century AD. (*)

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