
Ijen Crater, a Unique Tourist Attraction in East Java That Shows Blue Light


In the crater of Mount Ijen, you see blue fire in the early hours, and trekking while watching the miners passing by carrying huge sulfur stones tirelessly.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Ijen Crater is a unique mountainous tourist attraction that only exists in Indonesia. The uniqueness of the crater on Mount Ijen, Banyuwangi, East Java, Java Island, Indonesia, is able to emit blue light at dawn.

Ijen active volcano which is administratively located in two districts, namely Banyuwangi and Bondowoso. This crater is above 2,368 meters above sea level. If there is a peak, you will feel the sensation of the active natural beauty of the mountains, the activity of the mountain crater and the sulfur mining community.

In the crater of Mount Ijen, you can do two interesting activities. Here, you can see blue fire in the early hours, and trekking while watching the miners passing by carrying huge sulfur stones tirelessly.

The phenomenon of the blue fire in this crater made many travelers curious and visited here. In fact, not only the travelers who visited there, but also many geologists and researchers who visited him.

Because there is sulfur gas in Ijen, here you are advised to use a mask equipped with an air filter. Usually, besides carrying it yourself, you can rent the mask when you are in the post or have been provided by the guide if you hire a tour guide. (WS / UNK.IN / ENG / *)

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