
Saman Dance, a Cultural Heritage Not an Object From Aceh

Foreign students dance to the Saman Dance
The dance originating from the Southeast Aceh Gayo Tribe is often displayed at festivals and art shows around the world.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Saman Dance, one of the traditional arts that is an icon of pride in the Special Province of Aceh, Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The dance has become global, because it is also supported by a UNESCO decision that states Saman Dance as a cultural heritage.

The dance originating from the Southeast Aceh Gayo Tribe is often displayed at festivals and art shows around the world. Saman dance is usually displayed to celebrate important events in tradition. The poems used in Saman Dance use Arabic and Gayo Language.

A number of literature states, Saman Dance was created by Sheikh Saman, a scholar from Gayo. Saman dance is one of the unique dances, because it only shows the applause and upper limb movements.

The dance that promotes compactness and neatness in this movement is recognized and entered into the list of cultural heritage by UNESCO as cultural heritage not objects. (BD.IN/ENG/*)
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