
Paradje, Sanggau's Malay Culture Becomes The Annual Agenda


Paradje, which means domestic cleanser that had been carried out by the ancestors of the previous Keraton Sanggau, is now a cultural event and the annual agenda of the Sanggau District Government.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Paradje is an indigenous tradition that has been carried out by Malay communities in Sanggau, West Kalimantan Province, Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, and has survived until now. This tradition aims to ward off and reject disaster, and cleanse the area of ​​things that are considered to bring bad luck.

Paradje, which means domestic cleanser that had been carried out by the ancestors of the previous Sanggau Palace, is now a cultural event and the annual agenda of the Sanggau District Government. After the Paradje Carnival reaches the palace area, usually the ritual is continued to Reject Ajong and sow flowers.

In addition to the routine agenda, Paradje is currently designated as an intangible cultural heritage. The Paradje Festival is attended every year by domestic and foreign kings. The Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam and Malaysian Palace
also sent the ambassador. In fact, kings were invited from the Kingdom of Ketapang, Sekadau, Tayan, as well as Hedgehogs and others.

Now the Paradje Festival continues to grow, not only rituals, parades, giving stars the title of respect for kinship, the festival is also getting lively with a number of competitions, including Malay singing, hadrah, bidar canoes, Malay fashion shows, pangkak gasing, jepin, plus entertainment, and others. (BD.IN/ENG/*)
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