
Crystalline Turquoise Lake, Watery Lake Crystal Clear in China


UNESCO has made Jiuzhaigou National Park a world heritage site in 1992, and in 1997 was made a world biosphere reserve.

INDEPHEDIA.com - In China there is one interesting tourist attraction that is visited by many tourists named Crystalline Turquoise Lake. As the name suggests, Crystalline Turquoise Lake is a valley with a lake that is so clear and beautiful, within the National Park area in Jiuzhaigou, China.

Jiuzhaigou or Zitsa Degu (gzi rtsa sde dgu) in Chinese means "Nine Village Valleys", or nine Tibetan villages around Jiuzhaigou National Park, the place where Crystalline Turquoise Lake is located. The lake has water that sparkles like a crystal and makes it an extraordinary natural mirror.

This 72,000-hectare national park in the north of Sichuan Province is located between the Min Mountains, on the Tibetan plateau, at an altitude of 4,800 meters. In the beautiful valley there are also waterfalls that flow in several layers. In winter, the peak of the Crystalline Turquoise Lake is covered in snow.

This national park in Jiuzhaigou is a nature reserve in China with a variety of forest ecosystems, inhabited by around 140 species of birds, rare plants and rare animals such as Panda. UNESCO has made it a world heritage site in 1992, and in 1997 was made a world biosphere reserve.

In Jiuzhaigou National Park, The Crystalline Turquoise Lake is one of the main destinations. The presence of tourists for decades has no impact on the beauty of the national park and does not affect the clarity of lake water. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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